Breakthrough: First-Ever Fireproof Cover for the RV Market
A client of Pro-Form’s for 27 years needed an exterior cover for an RV product. Pro-Form jumped at the opportunity to design and source this fireproof product.
The result was a first for the RV industry.
Pro-Form Identifies a Problem and Builds a Custom Solution
In 1997 Andrew Nehrt, now President of Pro-Form, reached out to one of the largest nationwide distributors of packaging products, equipment and services. They discussed custom packaging and discovered the two companies had much in common — especially a focus on the customer.
Today the distributor is one of Pro-Form’s oldest clients.
“Everyone talks about being customer-centric, but very few really deliver. Pro-Form is the exception,” says the client’s VP of Sales. “From designing special pallets to even creating the manufacturing process to produce it, they listen to what needs to be done and find a way to do it.”
Thinking Outside the Box
Usually structures like exterior covers for RV are built with chipboards. Pro-Form took an entirely different approach and produced a unique product using die-cut processes and parts.
According to the VP of Sales, “What you hear from the big guys is ‘get in line.’ Their usual offering tends to be a standardized solution. With the Pro-Form team, it’s a more collaborative relationship. They were able to identify our problem and build a custom solution.”
The result has been a competitive advantage for the distributor client. Now they can offer their RV client a custom die-cut product unavailable through other suppliers.
“Every customer wants a solution that is delivered on time and on budget,” he says. “Where Pro-Form stands out is how they deliver on their promises.”
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